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Santa Eulalia Fiesta 2009

Santa Eulalia takes the baton from San Antonio in Ibiza's winter fiesta relay

Santa Eulalia takes the baton from San Antonio in Ibiza's winter fiesta relay. As with the other towns, a month's programme of activities and entertainment surrounds the main day, the 12th February.

Much of the entertainment takes place in a marquee bang in the middle of town, and this is the venue in our list of the 'best of the fest' unless otherwise stated.

What's On?
11/2 22.30 Concert with Ivan Domenech
12/2 13.30 Folk dancing with Es Broll
12/2 18.30 Kids' Magic show with Alexis
12/2 20.00 Dance spectacular 'Bravissimo' with Eividance
12/2 23.00 Concert with the Bluesmafia Big Band
13/2 21.00 70's Party with Javier Ferrer
13/2 23.00 Concert with Los Mustang
14/2 20.00 Rock es Riu – Rock Group Competition IV
14/2 20.00 'A Como Amor' – Music,dancing, multimedia – Congress Palace
15/2 11.00 Puig de Missa (church) fair. Crafts, animals , veteran cars.
15/2 20.30 Penelope dance show
20/2 21.00 Piano Concert at Puig d'en Valls Cultural Centre
20/2 18.00 Youth Night – Graffiti, breakdance and bands
22/2 18.30 SalsaEulalia dance plus Flamenco spectacular
22/2 20.00 Classical music and opera at the Congress Palace
24/2 17.00 Carnival Parade around the town
Phew! Now that's entertainment.

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