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Something Fishy

Is going on in the waters off the reputedly mystical, magical, magnetic Es Vedra rock by Cala d'Hort. Somebody is blowing up fish!

Is going on in the waters off the reputedly mystical, magical, magnetic Es Vedra rock by Cala d'Hort. Somebody is blowing up fish! Divers from one of the local scuba clubs reported to the authorities that dynamite was being used illegally to catch large quantities of fish in the area. After an exhaustive investigation to nail the culprits by the fishing authorities, no evidence was found to identify who may have been using the TNT. What is more worrying is how a substance so stringently controlled as dynamite (used locally for quarrying) could have got into the wrong hands. There is however no truth in the rumour that Tony Blair is producing a dossier on the growth of weapons of mass destruction on Ibiza!

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