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The Gallery & Clockwork Orange Opening @ Eden, Tuesday 10th June

Tuesday saw the masters of trance reclaim their crown with the return of Clockwork Orange and The Gallery. This is the first time that The Gallery has taken on residency on The White Isle...

Tuesday saw the masters of trance reclaim their crown with the return of Clockwork Orange and The Gallery.

This is the first time that The Gallery has taken on residency on The White Isle and a welcome return for Clockwork Orange who finally got their name back after 3 years. With a line-up of the elite: Fergie, Tall Paul, Andy Manston, Alex P, to name a few, the 'Orange' posse once again proved it's worthiness as a crowd puller in Ibiza with a truly stomping opening party.

If anyone was in doubt about whether or not Clockwork Orange could do as well as their nineties days, their worries were put to rest. As thousands crammed Salvador Espriu leading to Eden at a surprisingly early 2pm it showed that this truly was going to be a well spent 38€ in exchange for the goods. Fergie fresh off the plane that afternoon pumped out a range of tunes with more than 3000 mashed-up clubbers following his every move as he bounced behind the decks to the moving and loosing it.

The rather vacant VIP balcony wasn't the place to be (still no show up there this year) but did provide an excellent view of the makeshift stage and the rather cheesy but entertaining all the same, graffiti artists. Room 2 was the highlight of my night with the phenomenal Rob Marmot playing funky and chunky tunes carrying the crowd through to closing.

With the amount of sweat wiped from everyone's foreheads to our sleeves and the joy of leaving Clockwork Orange with the sun rising makes this opener another date in this years 'must do' diary.

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