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Movies in original language in Santa Eulalia

Suburbicon ‧ Drama/ Thriller film

Do. 11 Jan., 2018, Fr. 12 Jan., 2018, Sa. 13 Jan., 2018, So. 14 Jan., 2018
Ab: 18:00

Wo: Teatro España, Santa Eulalia, Ibiza

Suburbicon is a peaceful, idyllic, suburban community with affordable homes and manicured lawns -- the perfect place to raise a family, and in the summer of 1959, the Lodge family is doing just that. But the tranquil surface masks a disturbing reality, as husband and father Gardner Lodge must navigate the town's dark underbelly of betrayal, deceit and violence.

Films in original language with Spanish subtitles (VOSE - versión original con subtítulos en español)

Download the full programme of Teatro de España here.

Teatro España

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