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Downhill All the Way

Just to prove that gravity can be fun

Just to prove that gravity can be fun, the good citizens of Santa Ines near San Antonio organise a cart racing festival every year as part of their fiesta programme. If you've ever taken a trip up there past Cala Salada you'll know just how steep the route is – ideal for flying down on a flimsy home made cart!

a cart like a pig flies down the road

This year the 'Gran Premio Peugeot Fiestas de Corona 2011' takes place on a 2.25 Km circuit with an average gradient of 5.5% of which the first 800 metres twists and turns dangerously leading to a super fast last kilometre and a half.

The main racing takes place against the clock on Sunday 20th February from 10.00 until 14.00 and really is great fun for all – even the clock, which has never yet won!

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