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Family Visits to MACE and Museo Puget

Every Saturday and Sunday

Jeden Sa., So. von 3 August 2013 bis 29 Dezember 2013
Ab: 08:00

Wo: Dalt Vila - the fortified old town, Ibiza-Stadt (Eivissa)

Every Saturday and Sunday from 10.30am to 1pm at the Museo Puget and the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Eivissa.

For families with children bewteen 3 and 12 years of age. The activities are free but places are limited and registration is essential : MACE : 97130 2723 or Museo Puget 971 392147 or

Workshops and activtivities - appreciating contemporary art in a fun way and involving the whole family.Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla

Dalt Vila - the fortified old town

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