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Short & Sweet walk - In the middle Santa Gertrudis

Free walk organizes by Walking Ibiza

Mi. 6 Dez., 2017
Ab: 10:00

Wo: Santa Gertrudis, Ibiza

Karen will take you on a nice gentle countryside walk in the middle of the island. Starting from one of the most lovely villages of Ibiza you are heading in the countryside. You will discovering the forests and farmland in the center of the island in a little known area. Walking through an abundance of flora, herbs and trees we will have lovely open countryside views and can enjoy the spring fields. You will finish the walk with a refreshment and homemade humus.

DATE & TIME: Wednesday 6th December - 10.00h
MEETING POINT: Church of Santa Gertrudis
RATING: Easy.Distance is 7kms and 2,5 hours. On good paths and tracks with some loose stones underfoot. A few short uphill inclines.
DONATION: The walks are by donation (suggested €10 per person)

You don't have to make a reservation for our community walks. You just can show up at the meeting point.

More info on Facebook page of Walking Ibiza.

Santa Gertrudis, Ibiza

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