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Billionaire Celebrity Corner

Our local fire brigade was busy the other day. A blaze in Ses Paises which destroyed 30,000 square metres of stubble, was extinguished with the help of the special plane which scoops water up from the sea and dumps it on the blaze.

Our Spotlight sleuths have been on patrol again searching out the rich and famous, and in this particular case the very, very rich and not at all famous Nasser al-Rashid, a multi-millionaire businessman in Saudi Arabia and an advisor to the country's King Fahd.

Alerted to his presence by the appearance of his preferred mode of travel, the world's sixth largest private yacht, the Lady Moura, our team of detectives spent a whole 5 minutes admiring the vessel before it sailed off.

Still hoping for a sighting of the reclusive owner our trench-coated crew headed straight for the Bon Lloc restaurant in Jesús, where they enjoyed a 3 course meal including pork chops and wine for €7.25, just to prove that it isn't necessary to be an Arab squillionaire to have a good time! And they still haven't seen him.

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